CredtiSME Score for Businesses
The CreditSME Score is an important tool for business that are either seeking finance or that take credit risk on other counterparties in their day to day business activities. The CreditSME Score incorpoates a wide range of data specific to a business and industry to give the user a rich insight into the credit profile of a business.
For businesses seeking finance, the CreditSME Score will give you an insight on how the lenders will view your business and therefore indicate the most suitable lender profile and loan terms available.
For businesses that take an element of credit risk on third parties, the CreditSME Score is an important tool in helping to quantifying this level of risk and making an informed decision in respect of this counterparty risk. The situations where obtaining a CreditSME Score on a counterparty may include extending credit terms to a customer, selecting a supplier or sub-contractor on a project/contract or deciding on a suitable tenant or lease terms on a commercial property.